The Pro-Active Parent's Guide to Positive Parenting

Saturday, July 13th at 7:00am - 10:00am Pacific


Whoo Hoo! Give yourself a high five. You are my favorite kind of parent. The pro-active kind!

That means you are always looking for ways to create more harmony and flow in your household.

Come join me for this fabulous 3-hour workshop where I share with you my most powerful tools for upping cooperation and peace in your family:

1. Anticipation—one of my favorite ways to set your kids up for success

2. Family Meetings—a critical way to have your children feel seen, heard and understood

3. Executive Function Skills—these are the keys to your child’s success at home, school and in life.

4. Chore Hacks—tips and tricks that make keeping the house clean and meals on the table much, much easier

There will be plenty of time to have your questions answered, so that you can apply your learning to your unique family situation.

💥BONUS: 20-minute laser coaching session to keep you accountable and committed to your action steps.

Joyful Parenting Coaching webinars are live via Zoom.

All webinars are in Pacific Standard Time.

Meet Our Host

Elisabeth Stitt

Elisabeth Stitt is a long-time public school teacher, award-winning coach and parent educator, and author of Parenting as a Second Language. She founded Joyful Parenting Coaching to give parents the skills they need to create the happy and harmonious homes they desire and deserve.

Because parenting is a skill that can be taught, learned, and practiced, Elisabeth believes 100% that every parent can work to create the connected relationships with kids that gets their cooperation and allows kids to thrive. Elisabeth brings over 50,000 hours of working with kids to her talks, workshops and webinars, seen by parents all over the world.

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